How I Can Do This Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory?
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How I Can Do This Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory?

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Are you tired of struggling with complex data transformations in Azure Data Factory? Do you find yourself wondering, “How I can do this data transformation in Azure Data Factory?” Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to master the art of data transformation in Azure Data Factory. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to transform your data like a pro!

What is Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of data transformation, let’s take a step back and understand what it’s all about. Data transformation is the process of converting data from one format to another, making it more usable and readable for analysis or other downstream processes. In Azure Data Factory, data transformation is an essential step in the data integration process, allowing you to manipulate and prepare your data for further processing.

Types of Data Transformations in Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory offers a wide range of data transformation capabilities, including:

  • Mapping data flows: A graphical user interface for building data transformations
  • Data transformation activities: A set of predefined activities for transforming data, such as aggregations, joins, and sorts
  • Custom data transformations: User-defined transformations using languages like Python, R, or SQL

How to Perform Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the matter – performing data transformations in Azure Data Factory. We’ll use a simple example to illustrate the process.

Example: Data Transformation using Mapping Data Flows

Let’s say we have a dataset containing customer information, and we want to transform it to include the customer’s full name and age. We’ll use Azure Data Factory’s mapping data flows to achieve this.

  1. Create a new data flow: In the Azure Data Factory portal, navigate to the “Author & Monitor” section and click on “Create a data flow”. Give your data flow a name, and select “Mapping data flow” as the type.
  2. Add source data: Add a source dataset to your data flow by clicking on “Add source” and selecting your dataset.
  3. Transform data: Click on “Add transformation” and select “Derived Column”. In the expression, enter the formula `FullName = concat(FirstName, ‘ ‘, LastName)` to create a new column containing the customer’s full name.
  4. Add another transformation: Click on “Add transformation” and select “Derived Column” again. In the expression, enter the formula `Age = toInteger(substring(BirthDate, 1, 4)) – toInteger(substring(getutcnow(), 1, 4))` to calculate the customer’s age.
  5. Preview and debug: Preview your data transformation by clicking on “Debug” and verifying that the output is as expected.
  6. Publish and execute: Publish your data flow and execute it to apply the transformations to your dataset.
      "name": "CustomerData",
      "type": "MappingDataFlow",
      "typeProperties": {
        " Sources": [
            "name": "CustomerSource",
            "type": "DatasetReference",
            "referenceName": "CustomerDataset"
        "Transformations": [
            "name": "FullName",
            "type": "DerivedColumn",
            "expression": "concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)"
            "name": "Age",
            "type": "DerivedColumn",
            "expression": "toInteger(substring(BirthDate, 1, 4)) - toInteger(substring(getutcnow(), 1, 4))"

Example: Data Transformation using Data Transformation Activities

Let’s say we want to perform a more complex data transformation, such as aggregating customer data by region. We’ll use Azure Data Factory’s data transformation activities to achieve this.

  1. Create a new pipeline: In the Azure Data Factory portal, navigate to the “Author & Monitor” section and click on “Create a pipeline”. Give your pipeline a name.
  2. Add a source dataset: Add a source dataset to your pipeline by clicking on “Add source” and selecting your dataset.
  3. Add an aggregation activity: Click on “Add activity” and select “Aggregation”. Configure the aggregation settings to group the data by region and calculate the sum of sales.
  4. Add a sink dataset: Add a sink dataset to your pipeline by clicking on “Add sink” and selecting your target dataset.
  5. Execute the pipeline: Execute the pipeline to apply the transformations to your dataset.
Activity Settings
Source Customer dataset
  • Group by: Region
  • Aggregate: Sum of Sales
Sink Aggregated customer data

Best Practices for Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory

When performing data transformations in Azure Data Factory, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use reusable transformations: Create reusable transformations that can be applied across multiple datasets.
  • Test and debug thoroughly: Thoroughly test and debug your transformations to ensure accurate results.
  • Use Azure Data Factory’s built-in functions: Leverage Azure Data Factory’s built-in functions and features to simplify your transformations.
  • Document your transformations: Document your transformations for future reference and collaboration.


And there you have it! With these step-by-step instructions and best practices, you’re now equipped to perform complex data transformations in Azure Data Factory. Remember to always test and debug your transformations, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the community if you need help. Happy transforming!


  • Q: What is the difference between mapping data flows and data transformation activities? A: Mapping data flows are a graphical user interface for building data transformations, while data transformation activities are predefined activities for transforming data.
  • Q: Can I use custom code for data transformation in Azure Data Factory? A: Yes, you can use custom code in languages like Python, R, or SQL for data transformation in Azure Data Factory.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering data transformation in Azure Data Factory. Happy learning!

Frequently Asked Question

Transforming data can be a complex task, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about data transformation in Azure Data Factory:

Q: How do I convert a JSON file to a CSV file in Azure Data Factory?

You can use the `JSON` dataset and `CSV` dataset in Azure Data Factory to convert a JSON file to a CSV file. First, create a JSON dataset and connect it to your JSON file. Then, create a CSV dataset and connect it to your desired output location. Finally, create a copy data activity that maps the JSON dataset to the CSV dataset. In the mapping, you can use the `json` function to extract the JSON data and convert it to a CSV format.

Q: How do I perform aggregation operations, such as sum or average, on a dataset in Azure Data Factory?

You can use the `Aggregate` transformation in Azure Data Factory to perform aggregation operations on a dataset. First, create a dataset that connects to your data source. Then, create an aggregate transformation that specifies the aggregation operation you want to perform, such as sum or average. Finally, create a sink dataset that connects to your desired output location, and map the aggregated data to it.

Q: How do I handle errors and exceptions during data transformation in Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory provides several ways to handle errors and exceptions during data transformation. You can use the `fault tolerance` feature to specify how to handle errors, such as retrying or skipping faulty rows. You can also use the `error output` feature to redirect faulty rows to a separate output dataset. Additionally, you can use Azure Data Factory’s built-in logging and monitoring features to track and debug errors.

Q: How do I perform data quality checks, such as data validation and data cleansing, in Azure Data Factory?

You can use the `Data Quality` transformation in Azure Data Factory to perform data quality checks, such as data validation and data cleansing. This transformation allows you to define rules and conditions to validate and cleanse your data. You can also use Azure Data Factory’s built-in data profiling features to analyze and identify data quality issues.

Q: How do I schedule data transformation pipelines to run automatically in Azure Data Factory?

You can use Azure Data Factory’s built-in scheduling feature to schedule data transformation pipelines to run automatically. You can create a trigger that specifies the schedule and frequency of the pipeline runs, and Azure Data Factory will automatically execute the pipeline according to the schedule. You can also use Azure Data Factory’s integration with Azure Monitor and Azure Logic Apps to create more complex scheduling and automation workflows.

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